Newsletter 5/10/2022
Dear OCPA Members,
Welcome to the first 2022 OCPA Newsletter. In response to the great inconvenience in traveling and academic collaboration in the past years, the OCPA has been developing new communication channels to promote awareness of science news and societal issues that concern many of us. We also continue to recognize excellent research from our members by the OCPA awards. This Newsletter summarizes important achievements and news from many of you!
Looking forward, we appreciate your continuing support and encourage you to share the news about future OCPA activities with your coworkers and friends, and ask them to join the OCPA. Please feel free to contact us with your ideas and we look forward to hearing from you.
Cheng Chin
OCPA President
News from our fellow Chinese Physicists and Astronomers
● Jun Ye (JILA) won the 2022 2022 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, see link
● Tai-Li Hwa (University of California, San Diego) won the 2022 APS Max Delbrück Prize, see link
● Jian Qin (Stanford University) won the 2022 APS John H. Dillon Medal Recipient, see link
● Jiang Liang (University of Chicago) won the 2022 APS Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing, see link
2021 OCPA Awards Announcement
(more details see here)
2021 OCPA Achievement in Asia Award (Robert T. Poe Prize)
Dr. Chao-Yang Lu University of Science and Technology of China
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to quantum computing using photons.
Short Bio: Dr. Lu obtained PhD in Physics from the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in 2011. Since 2011, he has been a Professor of Physics at USTC.
Dr. Hai-Zhou Lu Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Citation: For his pioneering explorations on the theories of emergent quantum Hall effects.
Short Bio: Dr. Lu received his PhD from Tsinghua University in 2007. He joined Southern University of Science and Technology at Shenzhen as a tenure-track associate professor and was promoted to a full professor in 2018 and chair professor in 2021.
2021 Outstanding Young Researcher Award (Macronix Prize)
Dr. Liuyan Zhao University of Michigan
Citation: For her seminal studies on revealing and controlling complex textures of electric and magnetic moments in quantum materials using static and dynamic nonlinear optics.
Short Bio: Dr. Zhao received her Ph.D. degree in physics from Columbia University in 2013. She joined the Department of Physics at the University of Michigan in 2017.
Dr. Tongyan Li University of California San Diego
Citation: For her leading, important, cutting-edge research into the nature of dark matter (DM), with a particular focus on experimental searches and theoretical models for DM lighter than the proton.
Short Bio: Tongyan Lin obtained her Ph.D. from Harvard in 2012, and is an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of California, San Diego.
Dr. Long Ju Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For his great advances in the study of the topological properties (topological states and excitations) of graphene using novel optical and electronic probes.
Short Bio: Long Ju received his B.S. in Physics in 2009 from Tsinghua University, China, and joined the MIT Physics Department as an assistant professor in January 2019.
2021 OCPA Outstanding Dissertation Award
Dr. Hui Wang University of Science and Technology of China
Citation: For his outstanding contribution to quantum-dot single-photon sources and boson sampling.
Short Bio: Hui Wang received his B.A. in 2015 from USTC. Then he joined the group of Chao-Yang Lu and Jian-Wei Pan in USTC for a doctoral degree.
Dr. Xinglong Zhu Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Thesis title: Ultrafast and bright radiation sources from laser plasma acceleration
Short Bio: Xinglong Zhu received his PhD degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2021. From April 2021, he joined Tsung-Dao Lee Institute as a postdoctoral research fellow.Dr. Wenyuan Wang University of Hong Kong
Citation: For his outstanding contribution to the studies of a wide spectrum of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols including the standard decoy-state BB84 protocol and the more recent measurement-device-independent QKD protocol and twin-field QKD protocol.
Short Bio: Dr. Wenyuan Wang received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Toronto in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Hoi-Kwong Lo. He worked at the University of Waterloo as a postdoc for one year, and re-joined the University of Hong Kong in 2021 as a Research Assistant Professor.
OCPA New Sponsorship - Ardentec Corporation
We are here to announce a new agreement with Ardentec Corporation, which will sponsor the OCPA Outstanding Young Researcher Awards at the level of $6,000 per year for 10 years from 2022 to 2031. The fund will support 2 awardees per year. The sponsorship was kindly offered by Dr. Lu, Chih-Yuan (PhD in Physics, ’77, Columbia Univ.), Chairman of Ardentec. A memorandum of understanding cosigned by the OCPA President and Ardentec President Chi-Ming Chang. We are grateful to the generous support from Dr. Lu and will name the award as the OYRA - Ardentec Prize.
OCPA Colloquium 2021
In response to the cancellation of OCPA10 meeting during the pandemic, OCPA colloquium series was initiated in 2021 as a communication platform for the members on issues of broad interest. Four colloquium talks were organized in 2021:
04/23/2021 Dr. Xiaoxing Xi (Temple University) link
Challenges Facing Academics in the U.S. Suspected as Nontraditional Collectors for China
05/21/2021 Dr. Steven Chu (Stanford University) link
How I chose Science Problems?
11/19/2021 Dr. Michael Lubell (City College of New York) link
Where Are American-Chinese Science Relations Heading?
12/03/2021 Dr. Jun Ye (JILA) link
Quantum matter, clock, and fundamental physics
OCPA Colloquium 2022
We are continuing the OCPA Colloquium series this year (2022). Our vision is that the colloquia should serve as a vehicle to strengthen the connection between global Chinese physicists and astronomers on a regular basis. We have formed a OCPA Colloquium Committee to identify prominent speakers that can elucidate (1) significant achievements from members in our community or (2) essential societal issues that are of broad interest to our members and fellow physicists and astronomers. The OCPA Colloquium Committee is chaired by Vincent Liu and is composed of
W. Vincent Liu (* chair) U Pittsburgh (OCPA Secretary) Theoretical CM/AMO
Cheng Chin U Chicago (OCPA President) Exp AMO
Kam-Biu Luk LBL/Berkeley+HKUST Exp particle physics
Jen-Chieh Peng UIUC (past OCPA President) Exp Nuclear Physics
Yuhai TU IBM Watson (OCPA Division Coordinator) Biophysics/ Live matter
Nai-Chang Yeh Caltech (OCPA President) Exp CM
Fuchun Zhang KITS/UCAS (OCPA Councilor-at-Large) Theoretical Condensed matter
Sun Kwok U of Hong Kong Astronomy
(past OCPA Division Coordinator) (stellar evolution, interstellar chemistry, space astronomy)
Zhentang Zhao Shanghai Advanced Research Inst. Accelerator physics
Please suggest speakers and topics to the OCPA Colloquium Committee!
OCPA Sponsored Activities
12/17/2021APS Webinar (cosponsored by OCPA):
Effects of Federal Immigration Policy on US Science and All Scientists, link
Hosts: Dr. S. James Gates (Brown University, APS President), Dr. Jonathan Bagger (APS, CEO)
Moderator: Dr. Andrea Liu (University of Pennsylvania, Past Speaker of APS Council)
Speakers: Dr. Steven Chu (Stanford University), Dr. Chrisy Xiyu Du (Harvard University), Dr. Mark Elsesser (APS Director of Government Affairs) Dr. Jeong Kim (Kiswe Mobile, Inc.), Dr. Mengkun Liu (Stonybrook University)
12/17/2021OCPA Panel Discussion:
Are We Living Under the Dome? link
Panelists: Andrea Liu (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Cenke Xu (UCSB) and Cheng Chin (UChicago)
04/18/2022APS Webinar (cosponsored by OCPA)
In Their Own Words: The Stories of Xiaoxing Xi, Anming Hu, and Gang Chen link
Hosts: Dr. Frances Hellman (UC Berkeley; APS, President), Dr. Jonathan Bagger (APS, CEO)
Moderators: Dr. S. James Gates (Brown University; APS, Past President) Dr. Andrea Liu (University of Pennsylvania; Former Speaker of APS Council)
Speakers: Xiaoxing Xi (Temple University), Anming Hu (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Gang Chen (MIT), Philip Bucksbaum (Stanford University, former APS President), Francis Slakey (APS Chief of External Affairs)
News from Our Members
(please contact us to share your news with the members)
Prof. Hui Zhai from Tsinghua University published a textbook, “Ultracold Atomic Physics”, with Cambridge University Press. This book covers broad topics ranging from basic atomic physics and studies of Bose-Einstein condensate and unitary Fermi gas to modern topics like the quantum simulation of the Hubbard model and many-body localization. Since publishing, this book has sold well and is helpful for students and junior researchers interested in or working on ultracold atomic gas.
Job Opportunities
Deputy Laboratory Director for Science & Technology (For more news see link)
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is home to world-class research facilities and scientific expertise that attract resident and visiting scientists in many fields. Seven Nobel Prizes have resulted from this outstanding mix of machine- and mind-power.
Be a proud OCPA member!
(Please apply here
We welcome new members to join OCPA. Currently OCPA has 465 members at all levels from graduate students to senior researchers. Please share the link with colleagues and coworkers in Physics and Astronomy. Thank you very much.
OCPA Executive Council