Update on OCPA9 Beijing Poster Award APS Sponsorship
Dear Member,
During this holiday season, I bear wonderful tidings. First, on behalf of OCPA, I wish you all:
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
A. The 2016 OCPA Awards--Please join me in congratulating the winners of the:
1) Achievement in Asia Award (AAA-Robert T. Poe Prize)
2) Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA-Macronix Prize)
3) Outstanding Dissertation Award
4) Outstanding Service Award.
Many thanks to OCPA Vice President, Nu Xu, for his efforts as chair of the AAA-Poe, OYRA-Macronix, and ODA Awards Committee.
1) AAA-Poe
- Hong-Jian He, Tsinghua (Nominated by Xiangdong Ji; U. Maryland/SJTU)
Citation:For his fundamental contributions to particle theory and phenomenology, and for his leadership in promoting international cooperation.
- Zheng-Ming Sheng, SJTU (Nominated by Zhang Jie; SJTU)
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to relativistic laser-plasma physics and its applications through theory and numerical simulation studies, including key mechanisms and schemes of laser-plasma based accelerators for electrons, ions, and advanced radiation sources ranging from terahertz to X-rays. Many of these have been demonstrated experimentally and are providing importance guidance for this area of research. His work also contributes significantly to the development of advanced schemes for inertial fusion energy.
2) OYRA (Macronix)
- Kin Fai Mak , Penn State U (Nominated by Nitin Samarth; PSU)
Citation: For seminal advances in the fundamental understanding of optoelectronic phenomena in 2D materials, including the discovery of the valley Hall effect.
- Hai-Bo Yu, UC Riverside (Nominated by Umar Mohideen; UCR)
Citation: For his many contributions in the effort to identify the nature of dark matter that makes 80% of the mass in the Universe. He has pioneered the development of a new paradigm of self-interacting dark matter, with profound implications for understanding the formation of galaxies and for galactic stellar kinematics. He proposed a search strategy for hunting dark matter particles at high energy particle colliders, as well as a theoretical framework for interpreting the search results. His work has been and will continue to be influential in both the particle physics and the astrophysics communities.
3) ODA
We have four recipients in the inaugural 2016 ODA Award.
- En-Chuan Huang, U Illinois Ph.D., UIUC (Nominated by Jen-Chieh Peng, UIUC)
Citation: For his significant role in the analysis of data from the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino experiment leading to a precise determination of a neutrino mixing angle responsible for the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation, and for his major role in a global analysis setting a stringent limit on the existence of a new type of neutrino.
- Ming Yi, Stanford Ph.D., UC Berkeley (Nominated by ZX Shen; Stanford)
Citation: For her pioneering contribution in elucidating the electronic structure of iron based superconductors
- Feihu Xu, U Toronto Ph.D., MIT (Nominated by Hoi-Kwong Lo; U. Toronto)
Citation: For his outstanding Ph.D. thesis work at the University of Toronto on quantum information, particularly quantum cryptography. Dr. Xu has made key contributions to both the theory and experiment of quantum cryptography. He was among the first to hack successfully a commercial quantum key distribution system. And, he was the first in the worldto implement experimentally a loss-tolerant protocol that takes encoding flaws in quantum key distribution into account.
- Guo-Qian Liao, Institute of Physics Ph.D., IoP/CAS (Nominated by Yu-Tong Li; IoP/CAS)
Citation: For his excellent experimental and theoreticalwork in investigating intense-terahertz (THz) radiation from relativistic laser-solid interactions, especially demonstrating coherent THz transition radiation with energies of sub-mJ/pulse, and demonstrating mode conversion mechanism from laser-excited plasma waves to THz radiation.
4) OSA
- Brian C. Doyle, U Kentucky (Nominated by Keh-Fei Liu and A.M. Chang)
Citation: For hosting and maintaining the OCPAWEB web server and the OCPA organization email service at the University of Kentucky from 1997-2016.
- Anyi Li, formerly U. Washington (Nominated by Keh-Fei Liu, Haiyan Gao, and A.M. Chang)
Citation: For designing and updating the OCPAWEB website and maintaining the OCPA membership functions from 2009-2016.
Many thanks to the Awards review panelists:
AAA-Poe: Che-Ting Chan, Meng Jie, Ting-Kuo Lee, Zhengtian Lu, and Jianwei Qiu.
OYRA-Macronix: Moses Chan, Xiangdong Ji, Jen-Chieh Peng, Y. Ron Shen, and Lu. J. Sham.
ODA: A.M. Chang, Jian-Ping Chen, Xuan Gao, Rongli Geng, Nu Xu, and Nai-Chang Yeh.
B. Conference Outstanding Poster Awards
On a different note, Dr. Amy Flatten, APS Director of International Affairs, has kindly informed us that the American Physical Society will again jointly sponsor the Conference Outstanding Poster Awards at the OCPA9 Conference, Beijing, July 17-20, 2017. Please spread the good news.
Best Regards,
OCPA President
Albert M. Chang
Department of Physics
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
(919) 660-2596