Jian WangPeking University, Beijing
For his seminal work leading to the discoveries of new quantum phase transitions and quantum states in low dimensional superconductors.
Dr. Jian Wang is a Boya Distinguished Professor of Physics at Peking University. He received his PhD degree in condensed matter physics from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. From 2006 to 2010, he worked as a Postdoc at Penn State University, USA. He became an Associate Professor at Peking University in 2010, and promoted to Professor at Peking University in 2017. He developed two laboratories at Peking University to perform ultralow temperature-high magnetic field transport measurements and low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy-molecular beam epitaxy investigations. Dr. Jian Wang’s current research interests are quantum transport properties of low dimensional superconductors and topological materials. He has discovered a series of emergent quantum phase transitions and quantum states in both low dimensional superconductors and topological materials, including quantum Griffiths singularity, bosonic anomalous (quantum) metal state and topological zero energy bound states in two dimensional superconductors, as well as log-periodic quantum oscillations, high Chern number and high temperature Chern insulator states in topological materials. Dr. Jian Wang authored more than 120 papers in Science, Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Science Advances, Nature Communications, PNAS, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, etc. Among them, 5 corresponding author works are highlighted by the perspective papers and editors’ choice in Science. He has given more than 100 invited talks and was awarded Sir Martin Wood China Prize in 2015, Changjiang Distinguished Professor of China's Ministry of Education in 2016 and Outstanding Achievement Award for Research in Institutes of Higher Education of China (Young Scientists) in 2019.